Melbourne based artist Anna Cole says that she’s always been creative and never wanted to be confined to a 9 – 5 job. She began painting 5 years ago from her converted garage studio space and has since established herself in the art scene with her graphic, super colourful style. Using lines and precision, Anna loves to explore shapes and patterns and draws inspiration from everyday objects and surroundings.
“I used to paint quite minimally with only a few colours and now I’m more relaxed and confident in my painting style – I’m adding more colour, depth, shapes to my work as time goes on. My creative process is fairly simple, I have the tendency to overthink my work so I sketch up a design and shapes that I think will work and then choose the colour palette. I used to paint mock ups on scraps of canvas and board, but as I’ve got busier I’ve started to use Illustrator as its quicker to design and choose colours,” said Anna.
She uses Pinterest and Instagram as the starting points to find amazing colour palettes. “I also LOVE the colour pink, so I know for every piece I have one colour sorted!” Once she has chosen the colours she tones them down to get consistency in the palette. Her family says she wears black, but she has the most colourful and creative mind.

You can find Anna Cole’s paintings at Greenhouse Interiors. Director and Stylist Julia Green says: “Only on the scene for a short while, Anna has already developed a cult following, and people fall in love with her colour combos which are often unconventional and unexpected. She is a beautiful soul, and like so many artists, not spruiking her true talents. But that’s why I am here, as I am the head of her fan club and proudly sport one of her recent works on my own walls at home”.

To check out what work of Anna’s is available – be quick, they sell out fast! – head to Greenhouse Interiors website here.
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