one morning back in November when I was working like a crazy woman…
she looked at me and said “Mum, you’re more important than this”.
Wow, wise words coming from a 5 year old!!
Remember at the beginning of the new year I was talking about finding balance in my life? Well, the new year seemed to continue on from the previous one at the same cracking pace and I was wondering how I would go about finding that elusive work/life balance… but here we are less than 2 weeks in and I’ve had a big wake up call. Over the weekend I hurt my back and since then I haven’t been able to sit at my computer for more than a few minutes at a time. So I haven’t been able to do any work or blogging for the past 4 days.
OK, OK universe, I get it now!
I’ll be back when I can. How are you going with your new year plans?