The trend for grey interiors has been on the rise for a little while now, and it’s threatening to supersede the ubiquitous Scandi white on white look. When Lotta Agaton, one of Sweden’s best known interior stylists, goes from an all white home to an all grey one you know that something has shifted.
Greys of all shades from pale dove grey to charcoal are trending and they look beautiful when used tone upon tone. Green, the other big interiors trend, is a perfect companion to the grey palette, adding richness and depth. Take a look at how Lotta Agaton uses them in her home.
Although I have to admit that my apartment is still very much white on white I am absolutely loving the depth of greys. Compare the photos below of Lotta Agaton’s 2015 all white apartment and her 2017 grey apartment and see what you think.
It’s not hard to remember when we were coveting a white kitchen with white subway tiles, but it seems quite dated now in comparison to handsome charcoal…
The living room surprisingly doesn’t look dark despite the grey walls. The sofa, rug and occasional chairs are the same in both apartments, which is a fantastic illustration of the impact of wall colour.
The grey bedroom in Lotta’s current apartment looks so much more sophisticated and cosy than her previous white bedroom.

Are you still in the Scandi white on white camp or are you tempted to go over to the dark side? I have to say that I’m over the all white look and I’m really happy that I chose not to whitewash my floors when I moved 5 years ago. I’m pretty tempted by layered tones of grey interiors right now. What do you think?